Post-it Notes

Sunday, June 25, 2006


So I did go to the party.

And strangely enough, I did have fun!

I brought my friend from SVA and one of my roommates along for the ride. The three of us just had fun talking the whole way there and after we arrived and split off, things got along great too. I, in fact, met a nice boy who's an engineering major who I taught about onomonopia and the proper etiquette of stealing things. And who then I explained my desire to start up a mad scientist coalition.

Because that's something that I very much believe should be around and is necessary to the creation of actual new technologies, as opposed to just the recreation of something in existance that is only improved.

He agreed but said he wasn't the leader-of-a-mad-scientist-coalition sort. More of a right-hand man.

So the search continues!

I got to talk to old people I hadn't seen in ages as well as meet a whole lot of new ones. And there was a point of playing with slugs! The backyard got covered in slugs and this one pansy girl freaked out screaming so my SVA friend and myself set to the task of picking them up and throwing them into the bushes. Then my fingers were sticky and I was rolling slug goo off my fingers like dried glue all night. I love the creepy crawlies.

I got very drunk and after the majority of the people had left, I began my usual task of being an overbearing mother sort (though more of an 80's drunk and in a short skirt who chain-smokes mother) and helped cleaned up the place. I lost all sense of depth perception and dropped my 22oz unopened bottle of Heineken on the floor and it shattered. I then got to experience the pain that only accompanies picking up the shards, cutting my fingers and then getting beer in the wound.
My roommate had stayed around and as someone not inebriated on alcohol, helped me get back home. Such a nice boy.

Such a nice night.


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