Post-it Notes

Monday, October 09, 2006


Well, almost a month has passed since the last update.

Life is still so good here. I can't ever go to sleep unhappy when I'm wrapped in warm, loving arms. It's lame and cheesy to mention, but no one is here ever anyways.

So as it goes, I'm working on some t-shirt graphics for my exboyfriend, who has decided to start up a t-shirt design company. I make good bank per image they print, so it's a-ok. Plus it's something that I can share with Tim if I don't feel up to the image and it's content that I actually like.

This was much different from a recent foray into the graphic design business. I guess I'm not pushy enough to cut it in that industry. My client wanted me to almost force something on him, rather than go under his direction and this difference led us to part ways. He was good enough to pay me for my time, but for a few minutes there I thought I would walk away empty handed. As a result, I spent the last of my credit limit on purchasing a series of books with pricing guidelines and contracts for both illustration and graphic design work. Next time, I won't be so trusting and I'll have everything necessary to go forward with this.

What a night.


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