Ok, so I don't remember much from log 12 but I'll try not to repeat myself too badly...
A few weeks back my laptop would start being fickle about charging the battery. I was annoyed but had no money to get it checked out and hoped it was just a minor thing. Of course, a few days after that, the thing refuses to charge at all anymore. I try other a/c adaptors thinking that it was just my luck to spend $80 on a new adaptor last April and having to replace it already. But no, none of my roommates' adaptors would work either.
So I got a replacement PC that died on me in a few minutes. My friend took it apart and discovered that the fan wasn't working anywhere near what it needed to and the computer was just overheating. This was a Compaq on loan from my mother. Die Compaq, die.
So after all this running around, being at work and generally ignoring that I ever knew of this thing called "the internet", my mother took me and my sick computer to the Apple store. The resident "genius" there told me that the power port was called a Tier 2 type of damage that would cost around $600 to replace. Then, because he saw soda on the frame, he said that probably caused damage to the logic board, which is a Tier 4 type of damage and would pretty much cost me about $1200 to fix. He also didn't listen to my warnings when I said not to plug a charger in to test out if it REALLY won't accept a charge and to try and tell me that if the charger isn't sitting perfectly flush (my frame is warped a bit around the port but it was never really a problem except for keeping ethernet cables in) then it wouldn't charge. So for this, the Crushinator destroyed the adaptor he tried to plug in. He seemed embarassed by this, but hey, I told him not to do such.
My friend/DM/A+ certified technician is going to take my baby and try to pull her apart and solder her back together. If he can't get the power port to work, he'll at least look into converting the harddrive into an external so I can salvage my 300+ hours and 5gb of downloaded high res reference images and movies. I expect the whole thing to be fucked though.
Otherwise, I've been going out a whole lot, meeting some new people, trying to get the last moments in with others who will become obsolete come September and getting my heart broken and pieced back together at record cycling speed. Summer is such a weird time... I'm hoping that once my life is settled I'll be able to regain my discipline for working rather than partying all the damn time. I don't do anything but go out and drink these days and it's great and fun but it's like a vacation from what I want to do. A lot of people seem to be dropping out of the illustration field who haven't started producing things before they graduated, which is disappointing alot. And when I look at their work, I remember being jealous but now they are softening with summer and too much freedom to be sloppy or do uninteresting projects that it's almost sad.
I do plan on going to a Dr. Sketchy's meet though. And a friend of mine is arranging an artists' salon so we can critique each others' work and keep our knives sharp and fresh. I have no desire to become dull and fade away before I ever had a chance to shine.
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