Post-it Notes

Monday, December 25, 2006


So another giftmas has come and gone.

I received a new laptop, thankfully, as the main gift from my family. It was all I really needed, though now I am debating on whether or not I want to put the rest of my christmas bonus into savings, into bills, or into various other new items I've wanted for myself.

Items like a digital slr camera, a new phone, a ceramic hair straightener, more comics, more books, more movies, more clothing...

It's so hard trying to figure out how to balance everything. I suppose I should start making lists and seeing what I can afford and what is just asking too much right now.

In the meantime, I'm incredibly happy to have this lovely laptop, who I've named Mirabelle. Mirabelle has a dvd burner, so I can create copies of Tim's demo reel and force him to send them out.

Also, I have a good week's worth of time to prepare canvases and start working on something that could be like a new thesis. Exactly what, I am unsure, but hopefully I'll figure it out after tomorrow instead of spending the whole day drunk.

I'd really rather not spend it entirely drunk.

Friday, December 01, 2006


Last night was drinking heaven and hell.

But at least we finally got onto our rooftop.

The weather has been beautiful and I know it's just that long steady ride at the tippy top of the rollercoaster before it all goes downward, screaming and falling out of my seat. In the sense that, it's going to get cold soon. Very cold. And this makes me incredibly unhappy.

It was rainy and dark all today but I was so happy just because I could stroll through the streets without 50lbs of clothing on. My back and shoulders specifically didn't ache under the pressure of so much fabric wrapped tightly around them. I can move my arms without feeling like a crippled penguin. Life's good in 60 degrees.

As it goes right now, I'm starting again to get the itch for creation.

I'm making the lists of things to craft for people for xmas. I have designs set up for some nice fleece scarves and hats, a project to knit, hair ties to print and glue together. I finally think I'll be ok this weekend alone, working on the long list of projects. Things that aren't for me go so much better, honestly.

And maybe if I get real ambitious, I'll even break out of the paints. Small paintings for all my friends!